Swimmers marshall for their 400m events at the start of the day.

SGB ready for the 200m freestyle.

SGB's new swimming Officials, Janelle Smyth and Sharon Paterson get the swimmers ready to race.
Saturday was a busy day for the 72 SGB swimmers who raced at Warragul on Saturday.
For many, it was a day of trying to swim qualifying times for the upcoming State and Country Championships.
Three swimmers, Billy Fisher, Claudia Croatto and Rahni Matherson had a successful meet and qualified to swim at next year’s National Age Championships.
The weather was not ideal for trying to get qualifying times, but this did not deter the swimmers, with several of them swimming times that qualify them for upcoming championships.
Racing paused at 11am as all swimmers united for Remembrance Day.
For the younger swimmers, it was another chance to practice racing in a 50m pool and using the blocks, which was great experience for them.
There were plenty of smiles among them as they improved on their times from previous weeks.
Next week racing returns to Leongatha for the Duel in the pool on Sunday.