Thursday, 13 March 2025
End of an era for Pam
1 min read

Last Thursday marked the ended of an era for Pam Gains who will be taking a period of long service leave and then retiring from Cowes Primary School after 27 years of service!

Pam and her family have enjoyed a long association with Cowes Primary School. Pam attended the school as a student, as did her children Reece and Travis, and her husband served on School Council for several years.

There are few who can rival Pam’s long connection with Cowes Primary School.

Pam commenced her career in 1996 and over the years she has taken on many different roles including integration aide, first aid officer and of course an administration officer.

She has seen many students over the years grow up and later return as parents with their own children. She has witnessed many changes to school staff, buildings (including two fires) and student numbers which have grown steadily throughout her time.

Pam is excited about the extra time she will have to spend with her grandchildren, grand dog, soak up the sun on holidays, and get creative with hobbies.

Cowes Primary School congratulate Pam on a wonderful career and wish her a healthy and happy retirement.