First thrilling win of the season for D Grade

The D Grade team were rewarded on the weekend with their first win for the 2023 season.

It was a cracker of a game.

Goal for goal right up until the last quarter when Warragul lifted, we were three down.

The determination and drive the girls showed in that last few minutes of the last quarter was sensational.

Intercepts, accurate passes and goals and so much support from the club on the sidelines and the Island made up the difference.

As the siren went everyone was celebrating the win as if they had won the grand final.

Superb centre work from Kerry, perfect ring work from the goalers Hazel and Cathy, excellent mid court feeding by Daisy and Amanda and Casey, dynamic defence from Matilda, Maddie and Helene.

Thanks to the fill in coach, Kate for all her support throughout the game.

What an awesome game it was by a special team.


Phillip Island: 25
Warragul Industrials: 24

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