Friday, 27 September 2024
Working bee success
1 min read

Rhyll Coastcare hosted a successful planting working bee on September 8.

The working bee was part of the Phillip Island Threatened Species Habitat Day and attracted a dozen volunteers.

The day was supported by Bass Coast Shire Council, with council officer Dave Martin delivering the plants and tools and Environment Programs Coordinator Peter Maganov helping with planting.

The team planted over 100 plants at the Rhyll Inlet entrance to the northern foreshore and west of Lady Nelson Point. Other maintenance work was also undertaken, followed by morning tea.

The next working bee is on Monday October 14, from 9.30am until 11.30am to finish the planting. It will also include weeding and maintenance on the northern foreshore opposite the end of Rhyll Court.

The Rhyll Coastcare group is holding its AGM at the Rhyll Hall on Saturday November 9 from 10am - 11am. There are a number of committee positions that need to be filled.

All welcome. Please bring along any interested neighbours.