Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Whale Festival: Cultural connection
1 min read

Our First Nations people have held a special connection with the whales for thousands of years and festival organisers said they are honoured to have them share their stories with Festival guests again this year.

“We invite everyone to join us as the Bunurong Land Council hold a Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country to open the festival at 10.30am Friday June 30, at the Hub in Cowes.”

The Cultural program continues on Saturday, July 1, with Uncle Steve Ulula Parker hosting a Whale Blessing Ceremony to wish the whales a safe passage on their migration past Millowl.

Join this free event on the Cowes Foreshore beach (left of the pier) at 10am.

Following this in the Hub marquee, For Our Future will host an Eco Arts Collaboration (proudly supported by the Phillip Island Conservation Society) with local community artists Camille Monet and Helen Matthews facilitating the decoration of a large-scale whale puppet with messages about the importance of caring for whales, the oceans and the Living World.

There will also be a workshop to create your own Whale Crown Creation out of recycled objects.

Uncle Steve will also be holding a Deep Listening Circle sharing stories, songs and dances of the Whale Dreaming, while Paul ‘Fonz’ Patten is performing on the Wildlife Coast Cruises stage at 3pm on Saturday and Dimples at 5pm.