Council election
Western Port Ward candidate: Glenda Minty

My main aims as councillor are for sensible, timely planning decisions, openness and transparency of governance, sensible spending and improving community connections so Bass Coast continues to be an enviable place to live.

Planning, which is my passion, needs urgent attention. Lack of responsible planning can lead to unfortunate, expensive consequences.

As a retired farmer, I empathise with the frustrations and wariness of Bass Coast farmers with the Bass Coast Unlocking Rural Tourism Strategy which aims to turn "unproductive" farms into tourist venues and luxury resorts.

Though some farms on the coast may not be as productive as larger inland farms, they are vital to the very charm that brings tourists to Bass Coast. The continuing viability of farming everywhere in

Bass Coast is crucial to tourism, even though "expert consultants" may falsely consider some to lack productivity or be too small to be viable.

Tourists don't just come see the penguins; they want a whole rural and coastal experience, including the coastal villages and hinterland locations.

Forget condominiums, we need sensitive tourism development, not only on the coast but also near the rail trails, the Western Port Woodlands and other nature based walks, with events and experiences in and around the small towns and rural localities.

Bass Coast is known worldwide for our many unique nature experiences, so don't kill any of the geese who lay the tourism golden eggs, and that includes our farms and small towns.

We also need tighter controls over extractive industries. The State Government's proposed super quarry in Leongatha South's prime dairy country and continued expansion of sand quarrying into Western Port Woodlands can only be detrimental to Bass Coast. The council must ensure that such projects do not develop due only to vested interests. There are more suitable sites that will not impact on our fragile and unique coastal region. Bass Coast has a high international environmental heritage value. It is in grave danger of becoming a quarry and giant landfill site for Greater Melbourne.

Hard decisions must be taken to deal sensibly with coastal erosion. Long term planning must take into account the full ramifications of remedial measures, not just respond in a knee jerk fashion to vocal lobby groups. The State Government's Cape to Cape Resilience Project states a combination of soft (restoration/revegetation of coastal habitats to reduce erosion risk) and hard engineering solutions (seawalls, groynes, breakwaters. flood barriers) will be needed along with staged retreat in some locations. There is no point attempting to save desirable coastal locations by making them virtually unlivable.

If elected I intend to use the skills I have gained as a science teacher-librarian, farmer, rural resident, owner builder, B&B host, licensee, youth mentor, volunteer, CWA office bearer, and Board Director of community organisations, and local knowledge for the benefit of the Bass Coast.

I am not affiliated with any political party or lobby.

Vote 1 Glenda Minty.

Authorized by G Minty, POBox 60, Wonthaggi.

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