Skye high: our most famous resident

Forget Chris Hemsworth. Phillip Island’s most famous face is officially Skye Nichol.

Ranger Skye, as she’s known to her legions of fans, was the first Phillip Island Nature Parks commentator on the hugely successful Live Penguin TV back in August.

“That first night was also the one with the highest viewing, with 771,000 devices (equivalent to up to 3 million views),” says the 32-year-old.

“I was very nervous that night, but mentally there’s not a lot of difference between 10,000 or 100,000, they’re just really big numbers.”

Live Penguin TV has since gone on to clock up 17 million views in five weeks, and counting, with Skye now one of four commentators who rotate the gig (alongside Jordan Roberts, Heather Fahnle, Meagan Tucker and Stephen Pendlebury), each night giving their 30-minute unique take on the waddling stars.

Viewed on PINP’s Facebook page, a YouTube channel and with several cross-streams including the Advertiser and Visit Victoria, about 65 per cent of viewers are Victorian, 15 per cent from the rest of Australia and about 20 per cent from around the globe, particularly Europe (with time zones working well), but even North America (where it’s about 1am).

“There’s even one lady who watches every single night from Vancouver and I gave her a shout out the other day,” Skye says.

“There are dozens who watch it every night religiously.”

Fan club

PINP communications head Roland Pick says the whole organisation has been surprised at the global success.

Roland says when they first had the idea to live stream nightly penguin arrivals back in April, on the back of Covid-19 travelling restrictions, the marketing team took informal bets as to how many views they would receive.

“Initially we thought we’d be happy with 20,000, but then when it hit the media, I thought the first night would be about 80,000, so the uptake has blown us away,” Roland says.

“I think it’s a combination of factors: penguins are an absolute perennial favourite, and people have time at home but also it’s a world first. It’s the first time a regular, nightly, natural wildlife event has been streamed with live commentary by real people, not acting, not polished in a studio. Skye can take credit for that, she helps people connect.”

Roland says each of the commentators has their own “fan club”, based on emails and online comments.

“One mother the other day wrote that her daughter ran in the room saying Skye is on, Skye is on. Others say, ‘it’s Skye’s week’. There are a lot of comments like that,” Roland says.

“Skye’s style is girl next door who everyone loves. Jordan is quick-witted and a bit cheeky, Stephen because he’s Canadian is slightly exotic, slightly nerdy. Meagan is brainy and bright, and Heather is that grandmother who always has a story to tell.”


Skye grew up in Melbourne, and perfectly enough studied a double degree in science, majoring in zoology, as well as arts, drama and theatre studies.

She worked as a teacher, then worked overseas, including in an animal rescue centre in Costa Rica for three years, caring for sloths, toucans and spider monkeys.

Her dream job was to be a ranger at the Nature Parks, joining the team of 40 rangers a year ago and since running tours.

Skye’s background made her the perfect candidate to be chosen to launch Live Penguin TV, and is now the most recognised commentator.

She has been interviewed and appeared on most TV and radio stations, especially after commentating the funniest livestream, when a female Cape Barren goose began lurching at and pecking penguins as they waddled up the penguin highway, protecting her two goslings.

“People kept telling me to go back to the geese, not the penguins. I think the goose ended up winning. Eventually she got up and walked away but it was a dignified exit. She left because she felt like it.”


Skye says the job is not an easy one.

The commentator must operate the two cameras, liaise with a producer (who is also a ranger and moderates all the viewer questions), look at the camera and keep a gentle flow to the talk, ensuring it is fresh every night, even filling in time while everyone waits for the stars to arrive on their golden carpet.

“I imagine I’m talking to a friendly face. I’m not afraid to pause and let people enjoy what they are seeing, but there can’t be huge silences.”

The most common questions include: how long do they live (average age is seven but oldest is 26); how many babies do they have (two eggs) and some stranger ones including how high can they jump and how do they survive away from Antarctica.

Roland says PINP plans to continue Live Penguin TV until the end of the year, adding he believes it will ultimately make in-person visits to the Penguin Parade more popular.

“Some people thought visitors wouldn’t want to come after seeing it, but if that were true there would never be any travel shows. People don’t say, ‘I’m done now I’ve seen it on TV’, instead it inspires them to visit.”

Skye says despite her global fame, she hasn’t been recognised.

“Not once have I been recognised and I’m happy about that. The real stars of the show are the penguins,” she says.

Adds Roland: “Send her up to Melbourne without her mask on and she’d be mobbed.”

The Penguin Parade live stream can be accessed via; or

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