Friday, 28 June 2024
“Silver lining” on rainbow attack
2 min read

A Wimbledon Heights resident who was allegedly homophobically attacked at his home this week said the terrifying event was a “call to action for Phillip Island”.

About 9.35pm on Tuesday, Mykey O'Halloran was allegedly confronted by inebriated neighbours about his plans to paint his house rainbow.

“The guy introduced himself as the home owner from across the road and told me his reason of being at my house was to tell me not to paint my house rainbow , or “see what happens if you do”,” Mykey said.

“They were aggressively banging the front door, one threatening to kill me if I painted my house rainbow and calling me homophobic things like “you gay c**t” .

“It was when the homophobic slurs started that I realised it was more than just about the colour of my house.”

He said while he wished the event didn’t happen, “I think there’s a silver lining”.

“It’s a call to action for Phillip Island,” the 29-year-old said.

He suggested there could be a drag race of drag queens wearing rubber at the Phillip Island race track or a gay pride march in Cowes.

“It would be educational for a small town like Phillip Island to raise awareness for people about how they choose to identify, especially after an event like this.”

Mykey said locals had showered him with support with one offering to donate a home security system.

Print It Fast has made stickers of a rainbow house saying “I stand with Mykey #RainbowHousePhillip Island”.

While many in the community had kindly offered to help paint his house rainbow, Mykey said he already had a painter who was set to start in the next few weeks.

“I’m open to the idea of having an army of people coming round but the last thing I want to do is upset the neighbourhood, so maybe we will have a community day for the final painting,” he said, adding he painted the interior multicoloured during the snap lockdown.

Acting Senior Sergeant Scott Morison from Wonthaggi Police confirmed today they had charged a 23-year-old Wimbledon Heights man following an incident in Hallway Drive on Tuesday night where a man was allegedly threatened.

The 23-year-old has been charged with making threats to kill and unlawful assault. He has been bailed to appear at Korumburra Magistrates' Court on 1 July 2021.

Full story in next week's Advertiser. 

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