Friday, 28 June 2024
Salon Project and Celebrate Her!
3 min read

With International Women’s Day celebrated around the world on March 8 each year, local organisation Prom Recitals has booked the Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre to present a Sunday afternoon program of chamber music by women composers played by dynamic young Melbourne group Salon Project.

The concert on Sunday, March 13 runs from 2.30pm until 4pm.

With plenty of reasons to celebrate the achievements of women in the world of classical music; Prom Recitals’ concert at WUCAC will also to be a moment to stop and acknowledge the role of women in our South Gippsland and Bass Coast communities.

One of Prom Recitals’ biggest supporters is Michelle Gordon, a Justice of the High Court of Australia and South Gippsland local since 1994.

When Michelle (as she prefers to be called) heard about the upcoming “Music, She Wrote (2.0)” concert at Wonthaggi, she pitched the idea that this concert celebrate not just women in classical music, but also some of the incredible women living in our own backyard.

Michelle says she “is in awe of some of the women she’s met here over the last 25 years”, and after the difficulties of the last two years, Prom Recitals agrees with her that it's time to pause and thank some of the women who make our communities the special place they are.

Celebrate Her! Stories of South Gippsland Women is a 12-month documentary project which will launch at WUCAC on March 13.

Before Salon Project tune up their instruments and start to play, there will be a celebration of two special South Gippsland women and a call-out to the South Gippsland/Bass Coast communities to nominate women they’d like to see celebrated in 2022.

Celebrate Her! will conclude on International Women’s Day 2023 with the publication of the collected stories of women we celebrate.

To nominate a woman for this project come to the Prom Recitals concert on March 13! Bookings at

Or watch the Prom Recitals website: Prom Recitals for the on-line nomination form to make your nomination after March 13.

About Prom Recitals

A 2022 Regional Arts Victoria grant recipient, Prom Recitals has generated amazing support from our community since launching in March 2021. We are a not-for-profit group with the simple aims of making classical music more accessible to South Gippslanders and supporting classical musicians who have had so few opportunities for live performance over the last two years.

We’re delighted to report that Regional Arts Victoria and Creative Victoria have awarded Prom Recitals a Small Regional Presenters Program grant in 2022.

You do not need to be a seasoned lover of classical music to come to a Prom Recitals event. They are intended for anyone with an ear for music and a curiosity to hear new things. Prom Recitals hates unnecessary formalities. These are events are to be enjoyed!

Memberships available

Concerts to date have sold out well in advance, and an initial offering of Prom Recitals membership packages has been enthusiastically taken up by local music lovers.

Membership of Prom Recitals offers access to early bird ticket sales and after concert events to meet the artists with a complimentary glass of our favourite local wine. With all Prom Recitals’ concerts selling out to date, it’s a great way to secure the best seats in the house.

Prom Recitals membership offer is a $50 subscription expiring December 2022. For more information

Prom Recitals presents Melbourne collective Salon Project playing “Music, She Wrote (2.0)” at Wonthaggi’s Union Community Arts Centre on Sunday, rch 13.  Tickets at