The Red Rocks weeding team who tackled sea spurge and blue periwinkle in the Red Rocks area.

Pepi and Jo with a huge sea spurge plant.

Mark and Greg were two of the dedicated volunteers who joined the Red Rocks clean up over the weekend.
A crew of 13 dedicated volunteers took part in a clean up at Red Rocks over the weekend.
The focus was weed control - particularly sea spurge and blue periwinkle.
"It was wonderful to be joined by our regular volunteers but also to meet some new ones - Mark and Pepi, who came along after seeing the recent article in the Advertiser," one of the organisers Meg Anderson said.
The group divided into two teams.
The blue periwinkle team worked in the foreshore reserve along the fire trail carefully removing three bags of blue periwinkle including the long root system.
"They also cleared branches away from a large patch that will need to be sprayed by Council in the coming weeks," said Meg.
The sea spurge team spread out across the dunes removing sea spurge - starting at the steps down from the carpark and continuing up past the McRae Avenue track,
"We removed four - five bags of small, medium and some very large mature plants with flowers and seed heads, so it was timely work," Meg said.
"We also collected some rubbish (bottles, cans, plastic and an old towel) and removed bridal creeper and arum lilies from the McRae Avenue track, with much more work to be done there.
"A huge thank you once again goes to John Eddy for organising the tools and undertaking thorough planning for the working bee."
Some of the group enjoyed morning tea afterwards at the picnic table.
The next working bee is on Sunday May 26 and will focus on weeding at Saltwater Creek.