Our bumper annual summer quiz
  1. The bush stone-curlew once called Phillip Island home, before becoming extinct in the 1970s due to foxes. The critically-endangered bird was released into Oswin Roberts Reserve in 2024 as part of a breeding program. How many of the birds were released? And bonus points: how many of the species are roughly believed to exist in the wild in Victoria?
  2. Name the buyer of all five houses on The Block, the reality TV renovation show filmed on Phillip Island this year.
  3. A report was released last year that detailed the amount of foreshore eroded in a "hotspot" zone of Silverleaves, near Sanders Road. How many metres of foreshore reserve has been lost in this area?
  4. Bass Coast Shire council elections were held in November. Who are the three Island Ward councillors?
  5. The Phillip Island Community and Learning Centre (PICAL) dodged imminent liquidation this year after inadvertently failing to pay all staff wages to award requirements. When did the neighbourhood house open in Cowes?
  6. Western Port's marine environment is protected under an international treaty. What is the name of that treaty?
  7. Name the State Government project proposed for Western Port, which was rejected by the Federal Environment Minister last year, but has more recently been given a second life?
  8. What is the name of the Phillip Island charity set up after Samantha Fraser was murdered by her estranged husband in 2018, which works to stop family violence?
  9. Cowes' new cultural centre is called Berninneit. What does the name mean?
  10. What year was the current Phillip Island bridge opened?
  11. What will start building this year at 9-10 The Esplanade Cowes? And bonus points, how much is the current construction cost?
  12. How much is the State Government mandated cap on rates' bills for 24/25? And bonus question: how much is the real increase to rates including the garbage cost?
  13. What will be built at 24 Churchill Road, Newhaven?
  14. Oystering was the first commercial fishery to be developed in Western Port. When did it start and for bonus points what were the oysters first used for?
  15. Each year the Victorian Conservation Regulator issues permits to cull wildlife around Victoria, including on Phillip Island. How many permits were issued for Phillip Island in the past year?
  16. At a rough guess, how many jobs does tourism provide regionally? And how much of Bass Coast's gross regional product does tourism contribute?
  17. Phillip Island is Bass Coast Shire's car crash hotspot, crash analysis shows. How many fatalities as a percentage does the island account for?
  18. When does the current contract for the Phillip Island MotoGP expire? And bonus question: is the next contract secured?
  19. According to scientists and ecologists, what is causing the dieback of Phillip Island trees, particularly eucalyptus?
  20. How many people live in Bass Coast Shire, roughly? What is the biggest demographic group, by age? And what is Phillip Island's population?

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