From famine to feast: after years calling for more medical services, Phillip Islanders will now have even more choice for doctors, with a new medical practice set to be built, while the Phillip Island Community Hospital is due to open next year.

A new $3.2 million, nine-doctor medical clinic is set to be built in Cowes, according to a planning permit, currently out for community comment.
The clinic is proposed for 227-229 Settlement Road, on the corner of Market Close, currently the site of a self-storage building, and comes as the Phillip Island Community Hospital is expected to be open next year.
The permit proposes to subdivide the land into two lots, constructing a double storey medical centre with nine practitioners, and five tenancies, as well as a residential dwelling.
The permit also seeks to reduce the car parking requirement, with 28 on-site spaces in lieu of 31, although creating confusion, the proposal claims to be meeting the requirement.
The clinic will operate Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm.
The site is zoned mixed use and close to a residential area, but a traffic report states a medical centre is a "relatively benign use with traffic and noise impacts being minimal".
"The operating time of 8am to 6pm is appropriate and will not give rise to amenity concern," it states.
The report states up to 37 car trips in an hour will be generated by the development when operating at full capacity.
A vegetation report states 10 trees will be impacted, including three on site, as well as neighbouring trees and council trees.
Tree protection has been recommended for several trees including a silver banksia and a southern mahogany gum, with about four trees to be removed, including a large cypress.
Shire planners requested more information on contaminated soil on the land, and the developers have engaged a consultant to further research.
As reported this month, the Phillip Island Community Hospital - originally due to open in late 2024 - now has an expected completion date into next year.
A Victorian Health Building Authority spokesperson last week confirmed "delivery is underway".
Managed by Bass Coast Health, the hospital will be an expansion of the current Phillip Island Health Hub and is being delivered in stages to ensure the services provided by the hub can continue to operate with minimal disruption.
The expanded Urgent Care Centre will be located on the ground floor of the new hospital, with day surgery theatres and an area for chemotherapy and dialysis located upstairs.
The new hospital, being built by construction company SJ Higgins, will also include a radiology precinct offering CT scans, ultrasound and general X-ray, and a central sterile supply department.
The final hospital will also offer mental health services, allied health and rehabilitation and pharmacy services.