Sunday, 9 March 2025
New citizens welcomed on Australia Day
1 min read

Thirty new citizens were welcomed at a special Australia Day ceremony in Wonthaggi, hosted by Bass Coast Mayor, Cr Michael Whelan and Deputy Mayor, Cr Rochelle Halstead.

“Citizenship ceremonies are very special occasions and remind us all how lucky we are to be living in Australia, and especially here on our beautiful Bass Coast,” Cr Whelan said.

“It is great to be a part of this joyful day. People from many countries united in their shared wish to be Australian citizens. I am proud to be able to be the host of this special event.”

Over the course of 2022 citizenship ceremonies in January, May and October Bass Coast formally welcomed 112 new Australians who were born in India, Cambodia, Thailand, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, Philippines, Hungary, Romania, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, France, China and Scotland.

“There are always many tears and I challenge anyone who attends not to be touched emotionally by the joyous scenes of people from many countries united in their shared wish to be Australian citizens,” Cr Whelan said.

“The overwhelming feeling of the recipients of Australian citizenship is genuine and sincere gratitude.

“For those of us who were born in Australia we can sometimes take it for granted, but our newest Australians never take it for granted. They have chosen Australia to begin a new life in a new permanent home because they see a bright future here.”

Cr Whelan said in some cases the new citizens had fled countries where they were born for a better life for their themselves and their family.

“They want to feel safe and Bass Coast formally welcoming them and wrapping our collective arms around them is an important part of their journey.

“The contribution of these new Australians to Bass Coast this generation and in future generations will be immense and reinforce that we are one of the most successful – if not the most successful – multicultural country in the world,” Cr Whelan continued.

“They remind us that we are indeed a fortunate country.”