The December PINP Board meeting received an update on the status of two bush stone-curlews housed in aviaries at the Koala Conservation Reserve and progress plans for the reintroduction of this critically endangered species to Phillip Island.
By Kevin Love, Chair
The Phillip Island Nature Parks’ Board met on December 5 on Phillip Island at the Penguin Parade Visitor Centre for its final meeting for 2023.
The Board hosted an afternoon tea with the Nature Parks extended leadership team, wishing them well for the upcoming holiday period.
In October, the Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer were delighted to host the Minister for Environment and Tourism.
The Hon. Steve Dimopoulos MP received a behind the scenes tour of the Koala Conservation Reserve by Senior Ranger, Daniel Kallstrom and enjoyed the nightly penguin waddle at the Penguin Parade.
Below are highlights from the December 2023 Board meeting:
The Board was pleased to see the organisation heading into peak period in a strong position, with visitation continuing to rebound, particularly China, which once again became the number one international visitor market at the Penguin Parade. Despite positive visitation trends, the Board received an update on the organisation’s visitation risk and noted its comfort in management’s approach to visitation growth.
Strategic planning
The Board held its annual Strategic Planning Day in October and was briefed on the San Remo and Phillip Island Destination Management Plan. The Board used this day to reflect on the Nature Parks’ strategic planning framework and considered the organisation’s future strategy.
The Board endorsed the proposed planning framework for the next strategic plan and looks forward to working with management, key stakeholders and the broader community across the next nine months developing the organisation’s future strategic pathway and plan.
Penguin Parade boardwalks redevelopment
Stage 1 of the Penguin Parade Boardwalks Redevelopment project commenced in 2022 with $5 million in funding secured from the Victorian Government’s Regional Tourism Investment Fund. This project, which will improve visitor experience with the development of a new access pathway to the Penguin Parade viewing stands is one step closer, with the preferred construction contractor shortlisted following a competitive tender process and endorsed by the Board.
Board Governance
Each month the Board monitors the Nature Parks’ key policies and risks, and this month it received an update on the organisation’s information, communication and technology (ICT) risk and aligning policy, and the risk management and compliance policy, along with its accompanying procedures were endorsed.
The Board received a briefing on the Animal Ethics Committee and its activities for 2023 from Chair, Dr Jenny Hibble. The Board thanked Jenny and the other committee members who volunteer their time on the Animal Ethics Committee, ensuring that animal welfare standards are upheld to the highest of standards at the Nature Parks.
Wildlife update
The Board noted how the Nature Parks’ Threatened Species program was progressing, receiving an update on the status of two bush stone-curlews housed in aviaries at the Koala Conservation Reserve and progress plans for the reintroduction of this critically endangered species to Phillip Island. The Board was highly supportive of the reintroduction program progressing to the next stages following stakeholder engagement, further genetic investigations and permit approvals.
In addition to threatened species, the Board received an update on the Nature Parks Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. The General Manager – Conservation reported on the current regulatory environment for rehabilitation of wildlife species.
The Board meeting was followed by the final meetings of the Reconciliation Advisory Committee and the Community and Environment Advisory Committee for 2023.
The Board thanked the community representatives who contribute to each of these forums as they provide a critical conduit to community activity and help to inform the Nature Parks’ strategies and plans into the future.