Koala colony passes medical check

Phillip Island Nature Parks’ rangers have conducted annual medical checks on their koala colony and given them a clean bill of health.

The Koala Conservation Reserve has 17 koalas, 11 females and 6 males, ranging in age from 18 months to 18 years.

Phillip Island Nature Parks Senior Ranger Daniel Kallstrom said check-ups are done yearly, but there are sometimes koalas that are uncatchable at the time.

The rangers check weight and monitor muscle tone, head measurements, teeth, eyes and pouches.

“The medical checks are important as they allow us to keep an eye on the health of the koala population at the Koala Conservation Reserve,’’ Mr Kallstrom said.

“As the koalas are semi-wild in a captive environment we need to ensure they have enough food, aren’t succumbing to disease and any previous ailments and injuries are fully healed.’’

“The koalas are not sedated during the check-ups and the checks are done as quickly as possible. If any further medical attention is needed then the koalas are treated by veterinarian staff.’’

Mr Kallstrom said the koalas were in good shape.

“Weights are steady and body condition and teeth wear are what we would have expected for their ages. Most of our koalas have tested positive for Chlamydia. We only have four koalas that are Chlamydia free. One male and three females. The Chlamydia positive koalas are currently symptom-free.‘’

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