IGNITE! Youth Arts Fest opening

The IGNITE! Youth Arts festival is showing at Berninneit in Cowes from September 20 to 25.

A special opening night celebration will be held this Friday, September 20 from 5pm - 8pm.

Organisers said the exhibition has been a long time in the making, with young people from across Bass Coast advocating for it over many years.

"Young people have stated, loud and clear, that they want to see more arts and cultural opportunities and events relevant to young people," said YES Youth Hub Coordinator Erin Johnson.

The YES Youth Hub, managed by the YMCA, received funding to hold this exhibition and opening night event as a part of the State Government's Youth Fest.

"Art strengthens our community by building understanding and promoting creativity and expression," said Erin.

"When looking at the art in the exhibition we can gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the world of the young artists and what it means to be a young person living in Bass Coast.

"Many groups have contributed to the success of this event including Bass Coast Shire Council "Engage" and the YES Youth Hub is grateful for the support," Erin continued.

"Individuals from Phillip Island Contemporary Exhibition Space and the Artists Society of Phillip Island Region have volunteered their time and expertise to curate and hang the exhibition."

The curation is providing a mentoring opportunity with several Year 12 students from Bass Coast College attending on the day to observe and also get a hands-on learning opportunity.

All artists featured in the exhibition are aged 12 to 25 and live, work, study or spend time in the Bass Coast region. Over 50 artworks have been submitted.

Entertainment on the opening night will be provided by young local musicians, Finn, Why Goats Why? And F.O.I.L., supported by FREEZA.

The community is invited to attend the opening night to support Bass Coast's young artists and musicians and to visit the exhibition over the five days.

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