The development at 1517-1529 Bass Highway will see a seven-lot subdivision, an 80-seat, 24-hour restaurant with a drive-through service, which will be combined with a service station.
An $8 million new retail development in Grantville – including shops, restaurant, service station and housing subdivision – has been approved by Bass Coast Shire councillors.
The development at 1517-1529 Bass Highway will see a seven-lot subdivision, an 80-seat, 24-hour restaurant with a drive-through service, which will be combined with a service station.
About 13 significant trees will be removed, including manna gums and swamp gums.
The development plan received 11 submissions, with 10 giving “unconditional support” to the proposal. One objector raised concerns the plan would negatively impact property values in the Grantville Rise estate, as well as the disruption, noise and additional pollution from construction.
Cr Rochelle Halstead welcomed the new build. “This has been a long time coming,” she said, “widely welcomed by the community. But I want to make it clear to Waterline residents, this one is not the supermarket.”
She said the development had been thoroughly scrutinised by the planning department and councillors.
Cr Bruce Kent observed the land at 1517-1529 Bass Highway was currently up for sale or lease. “I hope they will move fast and not sit on this waiting for a sale,” Cr Kent said. “We need to keep the ball rolling.”
Cr Clare Le Serve said Grantville was growing fast and “these amenities and services come with that kind of growth”.
This development abuts another development plan at 1531 and 1545 Bass Highway, which was endorsed by councillors last year, and will include a new supermarket, shopping zone, service station, medical centre, pharmacy and residential area, with 160 parking spaces and about 17 new residential lots.
The development plan for the land at 1531 and 1545 Bass Highway received 10 submissions, with eight in support and two raising concerns with the proposal, including traffic at the Bass Highway intersection.