Future vision for our shire

Bass Coast Shire Council has announced it will review and update four key strategic documents over the next 18 months: Community Vision, the Financial Plan, the Asset Plan and the Council Plan 2025-29.

The council said this planning work enables it to balance competing community needs and make decisions that are fair for all as well as being required under the Local Government Act 2020.

There will be a series of sessions, titled 'Our Bass Coast. Our Future' to help with the development of these plans, which everyone is invited to attend.

The feedback the council receives will identify the priority focus areas for the next four years.

"Engaging with our community is vital for shaping a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations. We look forward to hearing from community and working together to create a thriving and sustainable Bass Coast," said Mayor Cr Clare Le Serve.

"It is important that community feel heard, understood and that their input is reflected in the final documents. We want our community to feel proud of Bass Coast and this work allows them to help shape the future of our region."

Phillip Island sessions dates:

  • July 17 at the Information Centre in Newhaven from 5.30pm - 7pm;
  • July 23 at Berninneit Library from 11am - 2pm;
  • August 3 at Churchill Island Farmers Market from 8am - 1pm; and
  • August 23 at San Remo Foreshore 10am - 12 noon.

These sessions are an opportunity for residents to contribute their thoughts and priorities on a range of key topics. Questions at the sessions will include:

  • What is one thing you love most about Bass Coast?
  • What aspect(s) of Bass Coast do you feel are most important to protect and preserve?
  • What services should the Council consider prioritising?
  • What does your ideal future Bass Coast look like?

The community will also be able to provide their views online through Engage Bass Coast until August 31.

Details at

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