Saturday, 28 December 2024
Corinella Foreshore Reserve feedback
1 min read

The state government is calling for feedback on a draft plan to manage the landscape of the Corinella foreshore.

The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) said the plan will provide clarity around vegetation management within the reserve.  

The reserve, which comprises 30-hectares of coastal Crown land on the eastern side of Western Port Bay that encircles the township of Corinella, contains significant features, including geological formations at Settlement Point, a diversity of native vegetation, sites of cultural significance to the Bunurong people as well as areas of historic significance.

In addition to the natural features of the reserve, the foreshore provides recreational opportunities and facilities for the local community and broader region. It contains four boat ramps and associated jetties, a caravan park, day-use facilities and recreational trails.

“With all these values and recreational opportunities, maintaining a balance between competing needs and interests is a challenge,“ DELWP’s Gippsland Acting Regional Manager, Ian Morland, said.

“That’s why it’s important that we understand what the community values about the reserve, and what their concerns and aspirations are for its future management.

“Once finalised, the plan will be used by the Corinella Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management Inc.to assist with the management of the foreshore reserve.”

He said feedback from the community would be integrated into the final plan.

He encouraged the community to read a copy of the plan and complete a four-minute feedback survey on the Engage Victoria website at engage.vic.gov.au/corinella-foreshore-reserve-draft-landscape-management-plan.

For a hard copy of the plan and survey email traralgon.PropertyServices@delwp.vic.gov.au  

Consultation on the draft plan closes on April 30.