Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Community at heart
1 min read

Over the past four years I’ve had the amazing privilege of working with and for you to deliver the funding, services, infrastructure and supports our community needs and deserves.

With a pandemic thrown at our feet, I want to acknowledge it’s been tough and really challenging for so many of us. We are grateful to our essential workers who have cared and carried us through and the kindness and compassion I have seen in our community, the looking out for each other – has made my heart sing and filled me with pride.

A lot has still been delivered, progressive reform has taken shape, much is in progress, always more to do.

Many of you will know, I grew up on a building site and my Italian father taught me just how important it is to get that first line of string straight, to understand the composition of the ground so as to lay a rock solid foundation that will last for generations.

This is how we build community as well. Listening, understanding, making sure the supports are there and fighting for them if they aren’t. Ideas are voiced and heard and bring change for the better.

Here are just some of the exciting projects and initiatives that in partnership with you, our community, are making our area better, healthier, more inclusive, more resilient, fairer, and more sustainable.

From better healthcare to modern schools, secure jobs, recreation and cultural facilities, safe and secure housing, a cleaner more sustainable environment, roads and rail, parks and open spaces, protecting our precious environment – I’m proud to be part of a Labor team that has community at the heart of everything we do.

Jordan Crugnale – State Member for Bass

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