Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Candidates quizzed on reconciliation
2 min read

A local group has surveyed all the candidates in the upcoming council election to gauge their stance on reconciliation.

Marg Lynn, Secretary, Bass Coast South Gippsland Reconciliation Group, said the group sent a survey to all candidates standing for election in Bass Coast and South Gippsland and received a 64 per cent response rate.

"This is the season for surveying our future municipal leaders," Marg said.

"We found we weren't the only group tapping into the thoughts and values of candidates."

The Bass Coast South Gippsland Reconciliation Group sent a seven-question survey to all candidates. 

"The questions sought endorsement for many activities that the council already does, or have under consideration, and the purpose was partly to see if new candidates were willing to continue and advance these commitments," explained Marg.

"We asked questions about support for Welcomes to Country and Acknowledgements of Country; about their knowledge of local Aboriginal history and their willingness to learn more; their interest in undertaking cultural awareness training; their support for council's engagement with NAIDOC Week, National Reconciliation Week and other local cultural events; their support for council appointing a

First Nations Advisory Committee and a First Nations Community Development Officer; and support for council developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

"A RAP addresses such issues as First Nations employment, staff and councillor cultural awareness, cultural safety and procurement."

The group summarised the responses for Island and Western Port ward candidates.

Island Ward:

  • Marnie Chadwick, Tracey Bell, David Rooks and Tim O'Brien were in full support of our questions, with David's caveat that he supported the Advisory Committee and Community Development Officer as long as First Nations people want them.
  • John Trigt was in partial support, opposing a First Nations Advisory Committee, Community Development Officer or RAP, as he wanted council to concentrate on the 'three R's'.
  • Ron Bauer and Darrell Silva did not respond.

Western Port Ward:

  • Jon Temby, Glenda Minty and Nikole Schellekens were in full support, all with comments about how to ensure some actions were accomplished appropriately, or in Glenda's case expressing some caution in the absence of further detail. Nikole suggested that through these means, and more, "Bass Coast can promote social cohesion, celebrate diversity, and contribute to long-term sustainability through shared understanding and respect".
  • Rochelle Halstead opposed council taking action with a First Nations Advisory Committee, a Community Development Officer, or a RAP. She also wanted 'inclusive' Welcomes to Country.
  • Brian O'Farrell and Jan Thompson didn't reply, the latter having had an accident just prior to our follow-up phone call.

"We thank all those candidates who participated."

You can read statements from all Island and Western Port ward candidates.

Details of the election, including key dates and a full list of candidates for all three wards at: vec.vic.gov.au/voting/2024-local-council-elections/bass-coast-shire-council