Monday, 24 February 2025
Boost for Waterline food relief
1 min read

The Corinella and District Community Centre (CDCC) has received $21,445 through the Community Food Relief Program.

The grant is for new efficient refrigeration, storage and cooking equipment for the community pantry and lunch programs which will increase provisions through the food pantry and supply of fresh food options.

Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale said the grants are designed to increase the capacity of local community organisations to provide food relief, through expanding food relief activities, facility upgrades, support and upskilling of volunteers and delivering initiatives that address the underlying causes of food insecurity.

"The CDCC is an extraordinary organisation that is all heart and all community," Ms Crugnale said.

"Centre Manager Kerryn Ladell and the team of volunteers provide a remarkable service, have a wide-ranging array of programs on the go, connecting people to each other and to support services, run many activities and interest groups and I thank them for all they do."

Kerryn Ladell said the centre was delighted to receive the grant.

"This grant will go a long way to supporting our volunteers who look after the community through our Emergency Food Relief Pantry here at the Centre.

"Our Centre supports people needing additional food for single people and families. We cater for up to 20 people per week with our Community Lunch program," Kerryn said.

"The grant will help fund food for our community lunches, and this attracts people who feel isolated in our community to come along and enjoy the good food and good people.

"These programs are all run by volunteers who give of their time willingly and want to give back to their community. There is lots of laughter and joy at our lunches."