Friday, 27 September 2024
Western Port Ward candidate: Brian O’Farrell
2 min read

For too long, Bass Coast Shire residents and ratepayers have not received the representation they deserve. Dissatisfaction is widespread at high rate bills for the standard of services received and many examples of wasteful and indulgent spending. I have observed council's decisions often invite controversy and its spending priorities seem to be out of step with the community and especially in Western Port ward - we deserve better.

Councillors should be strong advocates for their wards. Decisions should be evidence based and public after critical assessment of the facts, addressing stakeholder needs, consideration of sustainability and balancing immediate and future needs. But too often councils have been stacked with aspiring politicians and well-meaning single-issue activists pursuing their hobby horse du jour.

Council is more complex than a single issue and not the place for party ideology or as a stepping stone to a career in state politics.

Indeed this is why I decided to run as an independent candidate for council.

Councils are not your typical business - Bass Coast manages over $1 billion in assets, and this year will spend $80 million delivering around 100 different services and $24 million in capital works. It supports farming, tourism and service sectors spread over 865 square kilometres.

Accordingly, council's significant budget demands rigorous financial oversight to ensure it is spent wisely. As a retired CPA and consultant, with senior experience in local government, I am uniquely qualified to provide this oversight.

Council must become more effective at delivering the core services that affect liveability and amenity of our communities - roads, footpaths, connected trails, disabled access, rubbish and recreation facilities.

A vote for incumbents is a vote for more of the same. It need not be this way. If you want change, then vote for change - vote for candidates committed to sustainability and balancing the community's immediate and future interests, and then hold them accountable.

Historically, lack of transparency and distrust between council and the community has led to disillusionment and disinterest despite council's best efforts at deliberative engagement as required by law. I would like to improve the conversation between council and the community by introducing community panels to generate common sense outcomes to complex values-based problems.

Bass Coast is not immune from the consequences of climate change. Council must act to increase resilience in areas at risk from fire, flood and rising sea-levels by embracing a more sensitive and pragmatic approach to development - respecting town and hamlet boundaries are a given, as is preservation of native forests such as the Western Port Woodlands and maintaining wildlife corridors.

Urgent work is required to address erosion concerns in active coastal zones and prevent further deterioration of Western Port Bay.

I am Secretary of the Corinella Residents and Ratepayers Association and a member of the Grantville Cemetery Trust. I currently volunteer technology support through the Corinella and District Community Centre.

Please give careful thought to your vote. Together, we can ensure Western Port receives the attention and resources it deserves.

Facebook: BrianOFarrell4WesternPort or email: