Thursday, 27 March 2025
Probus welcomes new faces
1 min read

The Probus Club of Cowes held its annual general meeting on March 17, voting in newly-elected committee members.

The new committee are, left to right: Lyn Duguid (secretary), Lynore Mercer (past president), Liz Bowen (vice president), Rob Watson (president), Tom Jacobson (trips convenor), Caroline Talbot (greeters and morning tea convenor, Judy Masters (dine out convenor), Aggie Gratton (community services), Harold Jackson (guest speaker convenor), Lee Jones (memberships), Selby Witeveen (special events) and Ian Bell Towers (treasurer). Missing is Geoff Taylor (newsletter editor).

The Cowes club has 140 members, meets monthly, and members mix with like-minded retirees, listen to guest speakers, participate in activities like outings and interest groups, and enjoy the fellowship of new friends, all while exploring new interests and hobbies.  

Details: www.probusphillipisland.com/