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Burpees for mental health

It’s a fundraiser with a difference.

A group of trainers have come together to raise money for Batyr, an organisation run by young people, providing mental health support for young people.

The driver of the fundraiser is Bree Tiana, a finalist in the 2023 Australian Galaxy Pageant. The Pageant delegates are supported to get involved in their community through volunteering and charity work.

Bree teamed up with Rock Health and Fitness to host a special community event this Friday, February 24, from 7pm to raise vital funds and awareness for Batyr.

“We know that mental health is best supported by integrated, holistic support for each individual,” said Bree.

“We would love nothing more than to give more youth people, and all people the opportunity to join our community and be supported by their communities to raise vital awareness for youth and other mental health support pathways.”

Not only is it fundraising for a great cause, it’s also a chance to come and try your hand at the gym, in a fun, friendly and welcoming environment.

There will also be competitions including longest wall sit, longest plank hold and the most pull-ups and push-ups.

There are fantastic prizes on offer, with a prize pool of over $750, thanks to generous support from local businesses.

For every $5 raised, three fantastic local trainers – Elise Duggan, Emma Szymanski and Michelle Adams – will do one Burpee on the night, so they’re hoping there will be plenty of support so they can sweat it out.

The fundraiser event kicks off at 7pm, but the gym is also running a free trial class from 5.30pm – 6.30pm. Register your interest with Elise by phoning 0417 473 558 or email: rockhealthnfitness@gmail.com

Burpees for Batyr, Friday February 24, from 7pm – 9pm at Rock Health and Fitness, 28 Boys Home Road, Newhaven.

Come along on the night, or donate on line to support this great cause.


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