Health & wellbeing
Volunteer drivers needed

Latrobe Community Health Service is in urgent need of volunteer transport drivers from Bass Coast.

The health service provides low cost transport for older Bass Coast residents who need help getting to and from medical appointments – both locally and near the city.

Hundreds of residents from across Gippsland rely on the free transport service to get to booked medical appointments. In 2023-24, Latrobe Community Health Service delivered more than 5000 trips.

"Our transport service is so busy, we are currently providing double the amount of trips than we previously would," Volunteer Co-ordinator Adriana Pezzutto said.

"This service can be the difference between someone getting the specialist medical care they need or missing vital appointments.

"Our current volunteers are incredible, but we need more hands on deck.

"No matter your experience or how much time you have to give, we want to hear from you," Ms Pezzutto said.

Volunteer drivers need a current driver's licence. Latrobe Community Health Service provides the rest: a vehicle, a police check, volunteer training, and coordination of all the trips.

"The day begins for me when I put on my lanyard. It makes me feel proud to know in my small way I will be doing something to help others," Olga, a volunteer transport driver, said.

"I have been asked a few times why I volunteer, I always think of the clich  'money can't buy you happiness', but volunteer work can give you so much more-the feeling of doing good is priceless."

To express your interest or to find out more, visit, email or phone 1800 242 696 and ask to speak with a volunteer coordinator.

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