Saturday, 29 March 2025
Maternal and Child Health service moves
2 min read

Bass Coast Health’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) service has moved to Drysdale Street Kindergarten in Wonthaggi.

The new location is co-located with the kindergarten and the adjacent Wonthaggi Primary School, which allows families to integrate MCH care with kindergarten services.

MCH nurses support families with care from birth to school age, completing assessments to ensure children are meeting developmental milestones and parents are feeling confident. Postnatal care, parenting and breastfeeding support are all part of the 10 key age and stage MCH model of care.

MCH Nurses Hayley Blundell said of the new location: “During the COVID pandemic we had to relocate several times and are now permanently located in the new, modern light-filled space.”

As part of the MCH service, new parent groups and sleep settling education groups are provided.

First-time parent groups start every two months and parents attend for social connectivity as well as education such as breastfeeding, baby nutrition, introduction to solids and breastfeeding, CPR training, sleep and settling, a baby’s developmental stages and safety, and maternal wellbeing.

“They are attended by first-time parents and are a great way to make new friends,” Hayley said.

Bass Coast Heath has six MCH centres including the Phillip Island Early Learning Centre,161 Settlement Road, and the San Remo Kindergarten, 23 Back Beach Road.

There are also centres at the Bass Valley Children’s Centre, 60 Corinella Road, Corinella and the Grantville Transaction Centre, 1504-1510 Bass Highway, as well as Inverloch, with additional support is also available through the Enhanced MCH program.

The MCH service also offers a Sleep and Settling Program. This program includes fortnightly group sessions for parents at either Wonthaggi or San Remo MCH. 

One-on-one support with sleep settling issues is available at parents’ request in homes, at centres or via telehealth.

Sleep and settling information sessions provide education about what to expect across different age groups and strategies to manage sleep and settling concerns.

Sleep settling group topics include: typical sleep patterns and behaviours; improving sleep concerns; solutions and strategies; support and self-care.

These are ages specific to: infant - birth to six months, completed in the first-time parent group; baby: 6-12 months; and toddler: 12 months to 2.5 years.

Details: 5671 4275 or the 24 hours Maternal and Child Health Line on 13 22 29.