Monday, 24 March 2025
Be part of Bass Coast Health
1 min read

Volunteer with BCH

Bass Coast Health is now recruiting more volunteers in a variety of roles, including Concierge, Drivers, Residential Care Pet Therapy, Car Washing and Wayfinding.

To find out more, phone 5671 3372 or email Volunteers and Fundraising Manager Vicki Riley on Vicki.Riley@basscoasthealth.org.au

Work with us

Bass Coast Health is now recruiting clinical and non-clinical staff to join our growing team and to service the Wonthaggi Hospital Expansion (WHE).

If you would like to join our team, contact our Human Resource team by phoning 5671 3151 or emailing hr@basscoasthealth.org.au

Feel free to email your resume and details of the type of work you would be interested in doing so that we can try to find work for you.

Our current vacancies are also advertised online at: basscoasthealth.mercury.com.au