Pictured is the premiership football team on Phillip Island of 1919. What is known is that at that time, competitive football was played in an island association which comprised teams from Cowes, Rhyll and Ventnor. What is not known is which of the teams won the premiership that year. Local football historians would love some help with names if anyone can go back that far.

Phillip Island Seniors team 1944-45. Players were inaugural members of the newly formed Wonthaggi and District Football League in 1946.Many of theor son, grandsons and great grandsons have subsequently followed in their footsteps over the past seven decades. Back from left: A Hunt, Alan Jones, Peter Forrest, Allan Jenner, Basil Michaelson, Eric Coutts and Malcolm McFee. Middle row from left: Ray Jenner, Noel Cleeland, Charlie Luke, Jack McFee, Jimmy Bryce, Unknown. Front: Bill Jones, unknown, unknwn, Stan Johnstone and Jimmy Luke. Photo: Martin Grachan.

All time greatest team named: A highlight of the Phillip Island Football Netball Club's 70 year birthday celebrations was the naming of an all time great team, selected from premiership players who wore the red, white and blue between 1946 and 2016. Team members selected and their representatives, are pictured. Back from left: Bobby Smith (1981) Bill Ryan (1981) Daryl Vernon (1990) Tony Zoannetti (1981) Gerald Taylor representing his son James Taylor (2014) Shane Gislingham representing Keith (Whale) De Looze (1990) Jamie Youe (2014) Brendan Kimber (2014) Moon Weir representing John Niven (1962 and 1964) John Niven was also selected as captain coach of the all time great side. Front from left: Hugh Stoppa (1964) Ray Dickie (1962 and 1964) John Dixon (1962 and 1964) Bob Watson (1951) Annabel Docherty representing Eddie Docherty (1990) Barry Toovey (1964) Richie Davie (1981 and 1990) Not present for photo were Laurie Dixon (1962 and 1964) Laurie Hower (1990) Danny Williams (1990) Des Cartwright (1951) Rod Kent (1990) Roger Wagner, Dave Cooney (1981 and 1990) and Richard Patching (1990)

Best ever island netball team: The Phillip Island Football Netball Club’s best ever netball players over the past three decades were selected to form an all greats island team, which was announced at the Club’s 70th birthday celebrations in 2016.. Pictured from left are team members: Josie Thornborrow (nee Duggan), Kay Beaton, Therese Van Putten, Diddie Cuthbertson, Andrea Blair Dempsey, Casey Beattie, Laiurie Piera, and Leana Caile. Team members selected but absent were Colleen Eddy and Stephanie Hermann.

The Ventnor Football Club was one of three clubs to play in a local association established in 1919 and which continued to 1930, when the island entered the Westernport Association. The Ventnor team circa 1929/30 Back from left: HV Jones, E Jenner, C West, C Jones, R Jones, Rex Dixon, A Jenner, Newt McLardy, R Martin, N Cleeland, R Harris W Jones (mascot) Front from left are C West, R Jenner, K McKinley, R Grayden, F Grayden, F Dixon, L Jones, R Jenner, G West and W Dixon.

There were two Phillip Island teams in 1930 and 1931, called Phillip Island and Phillip Island United. This is the 1931 Phillip Island United team. Many of the names are no longer recalled. If anyone has the names, the Advertiser would love to hear from you. Names known are Bill Dixon, Noel Cleeland, Jack Roberts, Reece Jones and Keith McIwraith.

The Phillip Island Senior team of 1950. Back from left: Daryl Clarke, Redda Claringbolde, Barney Noonan, Arthur Luke, Newt McLardy, Billy Jones, Jack Commerford, George Regos, Bill Morrison, (captain coach) Billy Trew, Jimmy Fowler and Charlie Stephens. Front from left: Peter Grayden, Des Cartwright, Johnny Davies, Roger Wagner, Johnny Niven, Bob Cartwright, Artie Murdock and Snow Dixon.

Pictured is the Phillip Island 1951 premiership team, which defeated Wonthaggi in the grandfinal of the Wonthaggi League. The team had been runners up for the previous five years. Back From left. N Evans, R Wilson (president) Charlie Stephens, Peter Grayden, Jimmy Cleeland, Arthur Luke, Barney Noonan (vice captain) Billy Jones, Daryl Clarke, Jack Commerford, Alan Cleeland, Redda Claringbold, Jimmy Fowler and Jack McLardy (trainer) Front: H. Wagner (Trainer), T. Adams, R. Watson, R. Wagner, D. Cartwright, W. Morrison (Captain), R. Cartwright, J. Niven, H. Harris, G. Regos, A. Murdoch.

Pictured is the Phillip Island 1964 premiership team: Back: From left Hugh Stoppa, Murray De La Haye, Ken (Snow) Lacco, John Dixon, Laurie Dixon, Max Draper, Ronnie Gottsche, Colin Niven Centre: Barry Jeffery, Alan Cleeland, Ray Dickie, Geotge Haddon, Ray Niven, Paul Lacco, Barry Toovey and Gerald Jeffery. Front: Graeme Luke, Roger Wagner, Don Dixon (vice captain) John Niven (captain) John Drennan (President PIFC) Kevin Wagner, and Graeme Anderson. Mascots: Michael Wagner, John Dickie and Graeme Niven.

Phillip Island Netball Club 1979 Under 12s premiership team: Front to back. Cindy Neck, Katrina Hill, Carol Cleeland, Cathy Bilson, Carol Hamilton, Meaghan Mitchelson, Carole Jeffery, P Whelan, Nicole Hill and M Rentic. Coach. Margaret McFee.

Seniors 1981 Pictured is the Phillip Island 1981 premiership team: Back: From left Frankie Verlardi, Dave Cooney, Richie Davie, Ian Grieves, David Murdoch, Peter Tuddenham, Johnny Peter, Bobby Smith. Centre. From left Artie Murdoch (trainer) Tony Manning, Tom Tyrell, Bill Stephens, Max Brown, Mike Hosking, Dale Grant, Geoff Daff, Garry Todd, Bill Ryan, Ron Wallis (Trainer.secretary) Front: Barry Toovey (secretary) G Black, Tony Zoannetti, Kevin Brown, John Weston (captain/coach) Graeme Bowtell (assistant coach) Phil Martin (Deputy vice captain) Ian Hill (PIFC President)

Pictured is the Phillip Island 1990 premiership team: Back row: From left Max Brown (Team manager) Murray Pulford (physiotherapist) David Larsson, Keith Delooze, David Niven, Richard Patching, Shane Dibsdale, Mark Laidlaw, David Opitz (runner Tony Andreatta (trainer) Middle row: John Sunderland (trainer) Neville Thurgood, Michael Sayers, Eddie Docherty, Danny Williams, Richie Davie, Russell Walton, Cameron Ashe, David Cooney, Donald Gains, (trainer) Barry Toovey (chairperson of selectors) Front row: Michael Richards, Mark Christopher, Laurie Hower (vice captain) John Weston (Club president) Daryl Vernon (captain coach) George Dibsdale (secretary) Rod Kent, Shane Gislingham and Michael Christopher.

Pictured is the Phillip Island 2014 premiership team: Back row: From left Geoff Daff (trainer) Scott Boyack (committee) Matt Jackson, Josh Docherty, Johann Van Zanen) Mitch Price, Shane Taylor, and Christien Formosa (committee) Gerald Taylor (committee) and Stephen Foster (committee) Middle row. From left: Richie Davie (committee) Will Van Diemen, Jarrod Henzen, Marcus Wright, Ben Van Brumellan, Darcy Johnston, Jack Taylor, Liam Henzen, Shane Taylor, Peter Colla (committee) and Michael Taylor (committee) Front row: Mark Griffin, Tom Cole, Beau Runnels, Michael Dyker, Lex Munro, Brendan Kimber (coach) Jamie Youle (captain) Scott Riordan and Aaron Edwards.

The Phillip Island Reserves team took out the grandfinal in 1946, the year the Phillip Island Football Club was formed and entered the Wonthaggi and District Football League. The victorious 1946 reserves team , coach and some members are pictured, although some names are unknown. Back: From left Doug Morrison, Bluey Love, unknown, unknown, Ron Pegg. Middle row: Rupe Harris, Bern Denham, Bert West, Neil Grayden, Ken Clarke, John Justice, Les Jones, vic Stobaus. Front: Dennis Harris, Harry Harris, Bill Trew, unknown, Jack McFee, George Murdoch, Des Cartwright and Bob Cartwright.. The sons, grandsons and great grandsons of some of those pictured have proudly followed in the footsteps of their forebears on the footy field in Cowes over the past seven decades. Photo: Martin Grachan

A dynasty of Dixons! From left are Winston, Laurie, John and Donald Dixon, pictured with their father Rex in the late 1950’s. Rex was a champion island footballer who played in the 1920's and 30's. Laurie, Don and John Dixon have gone on to have a lifelong association with the Phillip Island Football Club. The four brothers played about 800 games for Phillip Island between them. They are the grandsons of Phillip Island’s most famous benefactor WE Thompson, after whom Thompson Avenue is named. A football family One name that remains synonymous with the Phillip Island Football Club is that of the Dixon family. This association was forged well before the present club was formed (back in 1946) when the Dixon brothers from Ventnor – Rex, Bob, Bill and young “Snowy” (Frank) – took to the field in what was then a four team island competition. They were keen sportsmen, and particularly noted for their strength and skill on the football field. Rex, in particular, was a champion player, and the idol of his five sons, Don, twins Laurie and John, and Winston and Howard. All five boys played football for Phillip Island for various periods of time . . . and Don, Laurie and John, who remained living here, continue an unbroken association with the Club to this day. On one occasion all five boys played in a seniors match together in a semi final against Dalyston. The Dixon combination helped secure a win for the island that day. Winston had followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming a key player for the Bulldogs as a champion full back. His brothers note with pride that as a 17 year old player, Winston could hold his own against all the top full forwards in the competition. The playing days for Don, Laurie and John began in 1954 while they were still in their teens. One of the strongest memories of those early playing days was being coached by Charlie Luke (“Geez he was bloody good!”) who led by example. As time progressed the Dixon boys established themselves in the following line-up: Winston at fullback, Don at centre half forward, John at centre half back and Laurie at full forward. Such was Laurie’s sharp shooting that he took out the league’s goal kicking award in 1958. In an interview two years ago, the brothers readily admitted that they belonged to a different era, when both the game and the club functioned on a different level. “Footy was such a different game back then,” they said. “It was much slower, had more position play and we used to do drop kicks and torpedos.” They credit themselves with introducing the “Jack Dyer” type kick into the Bulldogs game play. (Named after champion Richmond player – Jack “Captain Blood” Dyer). This was mainly due to Don who strongly believed in its merit. “I decided that it was very accurate. It would go about 30 yards, but it worked. I was initially told by the coach that they were no bloody good, but I did it anyway.” Training was held every Tuesday and Thursday night, after work until dark. There were no lights around the ground in those days. The one thing that cemented the team together was the camaraderie that existed, and loyalty to each other which holds to this day. The players were all local lads. “We’d always stick together, on the field and at the social functions,” said John. “Phillip Island is the only team I played for. I’d never leave to play against my mates. “If we left, what sort of blokes would we be?” As well as taking to the field, the players and families supported the club at the frequent and well attended social functions. There were no club rooms and only basic and rustic change rooms for players and umpires. The Newhaven and the Cowes Shire halls became the hub of the club where more often than not, it was hard to find a seat at the regular cabaret nights held after the games. With Alice Drennan (wife of club president John) in charge of catering for the masses, Don Dixon remembers helping out with the meats selection. “I’d have to go out and trap rabbits, to add to the chicken dishes – to make up the quantity of meat. The cabarets were so popular that you often couldn’t get a seat!” he said. Eventually a social committee was formed, to raise money for the building of the club rooms. As Phillip Island celebrates its 150th birthday year, the importance of country football and 72 years of the establishment of the Phillip Island Club is not lost on these former players. “It’s one of the most important parts of the community,” they say. “It gives young kids something to belong to and to do on a Saturday. “And training twice a week keeps them fit and healthy.”

Unbeaten record The PIFNC record set by the Phillip Island Reserves Football team back in 1981 . . . of three straight premiership flags in a row . . . still stands. The reserves premiership team of 1981 is pictured here. Back from left: D Smith, M Lobascher, B Noonan, G Niven, R Laing, S Clarke, B Johnston, L Grayden, S Wilson. Centre row: S Whelan, S Manning, N Luke, N Webster, G Manning, P Wright, R Jansson, J Dudley and D Nugent. Front row: M Wood, R Newton, G Fenech, (Captain coach) I Hill (Club president P Oswald, D Aitken, M Louey and A Wagner. An unbeaten record! The Club record set by the Phillip Island Reserves Football team back in 1979, 1980 and 1981 . . . still stands, of three straight premierships in a row. Three consecutive premiership victories is no mean feat, and the achievement has remained unbeaten over the ensuing four decades of PIFNC history. 1981 was a sensational year for island football, with both the Seniors and Reserves teams bringing home grandfinal flags that year. Playing Coach for all three consecutive reserves premiership sides was Gabby Fenech, who along with Richie Laing holds the unique distinction of bringing home three flags in a row. Gabby coached for six years straight back in those days, taking the reserves team into five grandfinals, winning four (one in 1975) and just missing a fifth when the team went down in 1982. 2021 is shaping up again as a record breaking year for PIFNC with Phillip Island seniors coach Beau Vernon at the helm, going for the hat trick, having won seniors premierships in 2018 and 2019.

Richie Laing and Gabby Fenech (right) hold the unique distinction of being the only PIFNC players to play in three consecutive premiership sides for the Phillip Island Football Club. Gabby was captain coach of the 1979, 1980 and 1981 island reserves side, with consecutive premierships in those years; and Richie was the only player to play in all three reserves premierships with him. They fronted up again on grand final day in 1982, but could not make it four in a row. An unbeaten record! The Club record set by the Phillip Island Reserves Football team back in 1979, 1980 and 1981 . . . still stands, of three straight premierships in a row. Three consecutive premiership victories is no mean feat, and the achievement has remained unbeaten over the ensuing four decades of PIFNC history. 1981 was a sensational year for island football, with both the Seniors and Reserves teams bringing home grandfinal flags that year. Playing Coach for all three consecutive reserves premiership sides was Gabby Fenech, who along with Richie Laing holds the unique distinction of bringing home three flags in a row. Gabby coached for six years straight back in those days, taking the reserves team into five grandfinals, winning four (one in 1975) and just missing a fifth when the team went down in 1982. 2021 is shaping up again as a record breaking year for PIFNC with Phillip Island seniors coach Beau Vernon at the helm, going for the hat trick, having won seniors premierships in 2018 and 2019.

1982 B Grade Premiers From the right Jenny Bilson (coach), Karen Mansfield, Jodie O’Callaghan, K Black, Narelle Dickie, Laura Mitchelson, C Johnson, Julie Hobbs.

1982 Under 14's premiers: From left Karen Forrest, C Botterill, Cathy Bilson, Elissa Caile, Kylie Mitchelson, Rosanne Speziale, Katrina Hill, Kellie Rix.

2006 Under 13's Premiers in Wonthaggi Netball Association – Back: Monique Dudley, Krystal Davie, Ebony Dwyer, Korral Guy (coach), Emily Guy. Front: Nikki Van Dijk, Maddi Taylor, Ashlea Bell, Brihanna Ralph, Alex Walton.

Phillip Island Netball stalwarts are pictured at a presentation evening back in 2005. From left they are Leanna Caile, Kobey Weir, Mary Taylor, Laurie Barrie, Gloria Caile, Heather Hamilton, Carol Hamilton, Sandra Rocotas, Faye Poer (nee Hamilton) and Carol Pewtress.

Sisters Daisy Weir (right) and Korral Guy (centre have served the Phillip Island Netball Club over decades in the capcity of players, umpires and committee members. They are pictured with their daughters Emily Guy and Kobey Weir, at a presentation ceremony back in 2006.

Many recognisable names appear in this photo (circa 1940’s) of the football team of that area. Team members pictured back from left are: A Hunt, Harold Jones, Peter Forrest, Allan Jenner, Basil Michaelson, Eric Coutts, Malcolm McFee. Middle row: Ray Jenner, Noel Cllelenad, Charlie Luke, Jimmy Bryce, Laurie Coulson. Front row: Bill Jones, unknown, unknown, unknown, Stan Johnstone and Jimmy Luke.
The Phillip Island Netball Club was formed in 1968 but netball had been played long before that in a small local association.
The local football and netball clubs merged into one unit . . . The Phillip Island Football Netball Club . . . in 2013.
Unfortunately, the complete records and photos belonging to the netball club have gone missing, and it is impossible to reproduce much of the Club's history because of this.
However, in 2016 former island netball champ Leanna Caile painstakingly went through old newspapers, to come up with the annual presentation night trophy winners since 1979m and they are printed here.
Phillip Island Netball Club premiers and award winners over the years
1979: Under 12 Premiers: Cindy Neck, Katrina Hill, Carol Cleeland, Cathy Bilson, Carol Hamilton, Meg Mitchelson, Carol Jefferies, Patricia Williams, Michelle Rentic.
Under 16 runners-up: Jenny Bilson, Kaye Dixon, Ann McKenzie, Robyn Lunn, Tracey Price, Mandy Bosua, Heather Grattan.
B Grade runners-up: Helen Chidgey, Brenda Larsson, Tracee Niven, Kerri Opitz, Jody O'Callaghan, Sandra McRae.
1980: Under 14 Premiers: Debbie Bradford, Karen Mansfield, Patricia Whelan, Laura Mitchelson, Nicole Hill, Clare Johnson, Julie Hobbs.
Under 16 runners-up: Leeston Hopkins, Caroline Jeffery, Debbie Walton, Wendy Ellis, Suzanne Hart, Lisa Jeffery, Alison Justice.
B Grade premiers: Heather Grattan, Jenny Bilson, Kaye Dixon, Anne Mackenzie, Robyn Lunn, Mandy Bosua, Tracey Price.
Under 16 Best & Fairest Bass Valley – Lisa Jeffery.
1981: Under 12: Best and Fairest - Robyn Dixon and Narelle Dixon. Most Improved - Kelly Rix.
Under 14: Best and Fairest - Elisa Caile. Most Improved - Rossane Speziale.
Under 16: Best and Fairest - Clare Johnson, runner-up - Karen Mansfield.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Jenny Bilson, runner-up - Debbie Walton
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Colleen Eddy, runner-up - Lisa Jeffery.
Best Club Girl: Junior - Julie Mitchelson, Senior - Cheryl Bradford.
1982: Under 14 Premiers.
Under 12: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, and Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest.
Under 14: Best and Fairest - Elisa Caile, and Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest.
1983: Under 14: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, also BassValley Association runner-up Best and Fairest.
1984: Under 14: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, Bass Vally Association Best and Fairest.
1985: C Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile.
1986: C Grade: Best and Fairest - Kristy Brunsden, Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest, runner-up - Amy Jennison.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Brenda Larsson.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Robyn Dixon, runner-up - Colleen Eddy and Korral Guy.
Police Award Most Disciplined - Kirsten Baughurst.
1987: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Cathy Oswin.
Most Improved - Emma Spottiswood.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Naomi Schonewille.
Most Improved - Kylie Walker.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Jane Oswin.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Tracey Smith.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Narelle Dixon, runner-up - Angela Davie.
Best Club Girl - Kristy Brunsden.
Police Award - Cathy Oswin.
1989: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Emma Spottiswood.
Most Consistent - Liz Oswin.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Fiona Cameron, Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest.
Most Consistent - Rebecca Smith.
C Grade: Best and Fairest and Bass Valley Association runner-up – Sandra Rocotas, runner-up - Robyn Lunn.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Carol Hamilton, runner-up - Jane Oswin.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Narelle Marks.
Best Club Girl - Daisy Weir.
Life Membership - Gloria Caile.
Police Award - Jane Dixon.
1990: Under 12: Best and Fairest - Wendy, runner-up - Sarah Lansell-Smith.
Under 13: Best and Fairest - Tatia Weston, runner-up - Brook Bond.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Liz Oswin. Most Improved - Briony Lunn.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Sandra Rocotas, runner-up - Pam Aitken.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Cheryl Barry and Therese Van Putten, runner-up -Maria Coghlan.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Narelle Marks.
Police Award - Carla Sunderland.
Life Membership - Leana Caile, Sandra Rocotas, Carol Hamilton.
C Grade Premiers: Tania Hobbs, Pam Aiken, Lisa Jeffery, Rebecca Smith, Sandra Rocotas, Bev Bond, Rachel Martin.
Under 13: Best and Fairest - Lucy Spottiswood, runner-up - Carla Sunderland.
Under 14: Best and Fairest and Bass Valley Association runner-up - Tatia Weston, runner-up - Sharon Linton.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Jane Dixon, runner-up - Emma Mahon.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Pam Aitken, runner-up - Korral Guy.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Sandra Rocotas, runner-up - Tanya Hobbs.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Robyn Dixon.
B Grade runners-up: Sandra Rocotas, Lisa Jeffery, Carol Hamilton, Tanya Hobbs, Jane Dixon, Simone Curtis, Bev Bond, Felicity Officer, Julie Rasmussen.
1992: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Lucy Spottiswood, runner-up - Josie Duggan.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Brooke Bond, runner-up - Abby Scott.
Most Promising Junior - Kobey Weir.
Coaches Award - Judy Andrews.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Ann Wright, runner-up - Liz Oswin.
Achievement Award - Emma Spottiswood.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Kaye Jeffery, runner-up - Carol Hamilton and Lisa Jeffery.
Achievement Award - Briony Lunn.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Cath Oswin.
Achievement Award - Fiona Cameron.
1993: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Josie Duggan, runners-up - Rachel Ecuyer and Hayley Mosby.
Players Award - Josie Duggan.
Encouragement Award - Jessica Ware.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Carla Sunderland and Lucy Spottiswood, runner-up - Lawri Barry.
Players Award - Lawri Barry.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Renee Keady, runner-up - Julie Forrest.
Players Award - Karina Barry.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Emma Spottiswood, runner-up - Emma Mahon.
Players Award - Briony Lunn.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Jane Dixon, runner-up - Suzie Canobie.
1994: Under 13 runners-up to Bena: Josie Duggan, Rachel Ecuyer, Jessica Ware, Hayley Mosby, Sarah Webster, Rhiannon Lukey, Kirsten Linton, Kobey Weir.
Under 13: Best and Fairest - Sarah Webster, Josie Duggan and Kobey Weir, runner-up - Kirsten Linton.
Most Improved - Rachel Ecuyer.
Under 13 Wonthaggi comp: Best and Fairest - Kate Wolfenden, runner-up - Sarah Taylor.
Most Improved - Alana Fluitsma.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Carla Sunderland, runner-up - Shandelle Sunderland.
Achievement Award - Lucy Spottiswood.
C Grade: Best and Fairest and Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest - Sharon Borg, runner-up - Emma Taylor.
Achievement Award - Julie Forrrest.
C Grade Wonthaggi comp: Best and Fairest - Sandra Rocotas, runner-up - Kim Webb.
Achievement Award - Michelle Burrell.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Tatia Weston, runner-up - Emma Mahon.
Achievement Award - Liz Oswin.
A Grade: Best and Fairest and Bass Valley Association Best and Fairest - Leana Caile, runner-up - Suzie Canobie.
Achievement Award: Kaye Beaton.
1995: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Kobey Weir, runner-up - Sarah Nolan.
Most Improved - Michelle Ecuyer.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Josie Duggan, runner-up - Lucy Spottiswood.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Michelle Barry.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Lawri Barry.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Judith Nolan, runners-up - Briony Lunn and Emma Spottiswood.
Best Club Girl - Carla Sunderland.
1996: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Lauren McKone, runner-up - Casey Cleeland.
Encouragement Award - Jessica Spottiswood.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Margaret Matthews, runner-up - Josie Duggan.
Most Disciplined - Sally Toovey.
Under 17: Best and Fairest - Lawri Barry, runner-up - Lucy Spottiswood.
Coach Award - Jacqui Maiden.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Michelle Allen, runner-up - Carol Pewtress.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Jodie Huther, runner-up - Kate Cleeland.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Angie Davie, runner-up - Glenys Whitehead.
1997: Under 13: Best and Fairest - Sally Matthews, runner-up - Lauren Sullivan.
Coach’s Award - Lara Fricker.
Most Disciplined - Hayley Rogers.
Under 15: Best and Fairest - Kobey Weir, runner-up - Sarah Taylor.
Coach’s Award - Kerri Hall.
Most Disciplined - Casey Cleeland.
Under 17: Best and Fairest - Josie Duggan, runner-up - Jacqui Maiden and Carly Bond.
C Grade: Best and Fairest - Rita Johnston, runner-up - Sandra Rocotas.
B Grade: Best and Fairest - Jodie Huther, runner-up - Angela Davie and Brooke Bond.
A Grade: Best and Fairest - Glenys Whitehead, runner-up - Michelle Barnes.
Best Club Girl - Brooke Bond.