Bass Coast Surf Film Festival
The Bass Coast Surf Film Festival returns in 2025 with a selection of international and Australian films.
The Millowl Project is an initiative between Bass Coast Shire Council, Bass Coast Skate Parks / FReeZA and the Yes Youth Hub.
The Millowl project will be led by indigenous artist, educator and facilitator, Steve Parker who hopes to educate the local skating community about the skate parks’ importance as a community gathering place and a space that is conducive to creating culture. Steve will oversee the beginning of a new mural on the toilet block wall.
A local film and editing professional, Pip Humphrys will be there on the day to document proceedings and some of the skate action, as well as giving tips and training about how to put together video content
There will also be a BBQ….all welcome, a great way to get involved with the local Skate Park Community, learn some indigenous culture and get creative