Year 9 Environmental Centre information evening

Year 9 can be a particularly challenging time for many young people. As students move deeper into adolescence, they begin to gain greater independence from their parents and teachers while undergoing significant physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes.

At Newhaven College, we understand these challenges and have developed a purpose-built program to guide Year 9 students through this critical stage of their development. The Year 9 program is interdisciplinary and highly experiential, encouraging students to connect and apply knowledge across different subjects.

The College sees Year 9 as marking an exciting and transformative chapter as students embark on a dynamic and highly experiential program designed to challenge and inspire them in new ways.

Throughout the year, students will be working towards a peak experience that will serve as the culmination of their efforts. This significant event will allow them to showcase the skills and knowledge they have gained, highlighting their growth and achievements.

To provide more details about the specifics of this program, Newhaven College is holding an Information Evening at the Year 9 Environmental Centre on Tuesday September 17. Families are welcome to attend to gain more information about the program and what it has to offer.

Contact the Newhaven College Admissions Officer, Bec Anderson on 5956 7505 or email to register your interest.

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