“Sanny Arcade” at San Remo Primary School opened last month to much excitement!
The whole school community was invited to come along and play the games designed, built and refined by the students in Grades 2/3 and 3/4. The program is part of the school’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) focus, which the children eagerly participate in.
Throughout their schooling the children develop skills that not only promote working together, investigating, designing, refining, but also confidence, persistence, leadership and co-operation.
For this task, the process involved the children working to build an arcade game out of recyclable materials. They researched logos, colours, persuasive language to promote their games and building techniques (levers, claws, joins) to create their games. Trial and error played a large part in refining games. From pre-schoolers to grandparents, the games were enjoyed by all. A great day of fun!