Staff and team members from the Kids as Catalysts team, and principals and educators from the four participating schools, Bass Valley, Powlett River, Wonthaggi North and Newhaven Primary at Kilcunda Community Centre.
More Newhaven Primary School kids are set to increase their social, emotional and leadership skills and create positive change in their communities, as they launch into a third year of delivering the Kids as Catalysts program.
Newhaven Primary School teachers shared their experiences to grow the program in three other schools across Bass Coast – Bass Valley, Wonthaggi North, and Powlett River, as part of a professional development day supporting teachers and educators to deliver the program in their schools.
Bass Coast Community Foundation chair Phil Friedlos said the growth of the program is a credit to Newhaven Primary School and the other local teachers and schools’ commitment delivering it, as well as the growing support of local community organisations.
“The 78 grade five and six students involved in last year’s program have clearly demonstrated improvements in positive social and emotional skills, connections and engagement with the community, and greater understanding and practice of leadership skills,” he said.
“These are exactly the reasons the Foundation is funding the program – to help grow aspirations and community connections for local kids.
“We are very proud to continue to support Kids Thrive, a forward-looking local organisation, to have such a positive impact on the lives of children's mental health and wellbeing.
“A huge thank you also to the 17 local community organisations and volunteer groups who have supported the program and provide such a positive experience for the kids,” Phil said.
Bass Coast Kids as Catalysts is an evidence-based program that uses creativity to engage and educate children, supporting young people to be positive change makers and leaders by partnering with local organisations to deliver community action projects.
You can see the program in action at Newhaven Primary School in a short video: vimeo.com/789142492.
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