Girls on Tools

When the Education Team at Phillip Island Community and Learning Centre (PICAL) considered running a new course at the centre, little did they know how popular it would become.

The newly established Girls on Tools has quickly become one of PICAL's most successful and in demand courses. The course aims to build confidence and knowledge in woman wanting to work with tools. With their Scott Cam-like knowledge, and kind and professional approach, Mick Piening and Mark Lyford have made the course a huge hit with the attendees. They have tackled both DIY and new projects, such as shoe racks, shelving units and plant stands.

The inaugural Girls on Tools was so successful that in term two Mick and Mark are running an advanced program (Friday 10am to 12pm) as well as another beginners group (Thursday 1pm to 3pm).

The course currently runs out of the PICAL Community Garden shed which is located at 177 Settlement Road in Cowes.  The full fee is $50 (six-weeks) or $30 with a PICAL membership.

PICAL is now in the planning phase for a Girl on Tools Shed where those who have finished the two courses can continue their work, in a supported environment.

In discussion with Phillip Island RSL and their Men's Shed it was established that as a third party, PICAL is unable to operate from the Men's Shed location, and there would be inadequate resources to do so. However, they fully support PICAL in their endeavours for both Girls on Tools and the proposed shed.  Women are also welcome to join the RSL Men's Shed.

PICAL would also like to thank the RSL for their recent funding support via their community grants program. They have contributed $2000 that will go towards tools for the shed.

For further information or to register interest in term three please contact PICAL on 03 5952 1131 or go to and register your interest via the Girls on Tools listing in the Course Guide.

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