Dropkicks kick it out of the park

Newhaven College has a proud tradition of students being invited to perform at the state level Top Class showcase concerts for VCE & VET Music. Earlier this year The College's Senior School band, The Dropkicks, were invited to perform at the showcase.

To add to their success, for the first time in Newhaven history, The Dropkicks were also invited to perform at the Top Acts showcase at the Melbourne Recital Centre on May 28. The enormity of this opportunity was not underestimated by the band members, Esta Christensen (2023 alum) and Year 12 students Dean Lyle, Callan Spencer and Liam Fuery. The Dropkicks were one of just six musical acts selected to perform at Top Acts from 40 Top Class performers.

This peak performing arts event showcased the absolute best musicians, actors and dancers from across all Victorian schools who completed a VCE subject in 2023. The band's teacher and mentor, Rob Turton was very pleased with their efforts.

"The audience loved The Dropkicks' high energy performance of their original song 'I Don't Think'. It was great to hear the event organisers' comments that our students were a delight to work with, displaying exceptional professionalism and character.

"They have been so fortunate to have had the support of not just their school, but also local venues, like The Westernport Hotel, Dimples, Purple Hen Winery and the local live music community," he said.

Director of Music Matthew Goss could not be prouder.

"Having our senior students invited to perform at such events and recognised for their achievement is a testament to the dedication they have shown over a long period of time with their musical pursuits.

"As a school, we feel a huge sense of pride knowing that our program and the guidance from our dedicated staff has helped them along their journey. It was particularly pleasing that The Dropkicks performed an original piece. We can't wait to see what's next for the band!"

To watch The Dropkicks in action go to: or follow them on their Instagram page @thedropkicks_official

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