The Colour Run at San Remo Primary raised $15,724 for the school playground. Tyler Drager and Finn Munro burst through the rainbow. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Avana Buckley, Asha Carter, Georgia MacDonald and Frankie Karon at the San Remo PS Colour Run. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Kash, Leo and Jack at the San Remo PS Colour Run. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
The Oudshoorn family, Meg and Darren with daughter Scarlet and Valli Sheibel. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Pat Caffery makes a dash. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Kash Sheibel celebrates the run. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Otis Joyner jumps for joy. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Amelia Hardisty, in the centre of a swirl of bubbles. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Finn Munro and Billy Easton charge on through. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Alee Cooper and Charlotte Murname hug it out. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Finn Karon, coloured and calm. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Alex Karon and Travis Hood primed for action. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Archie Telfer, surrounded by colour and bubbles. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Brax Sheibel took it all in his stride. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Amelia Hardisty, colour-wise and sunsmart. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Principal Karen Bowker was in the thick of things, including getting slimed at the end of the day. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Georgia MacDonald and Asha Payne racing through. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
Parents, students and teachers got in on the fun at the San Remo Primary School Colour Run fundraiser. Photo: Regina Magner, Magner Media.
San Remo Primary School held a colourful fundraiser last month, to raise money for the middle/senior school playground.
The Biennial Colour Run was organised by the school's events committee and students raised a stunning $15,724 for their project.
"As you can see, all the students had a wonderful time," said Principal Karen Bowker.
"The weather was perfect and parents joined in the fun spraying students and teachers with colour.
"There was the water rainbow for students to slide under and get wet, a slide to go down, tyres to run through and water pistols to dodge," Karen said.
"There was even a cheeky principal throwing buckets of water."
At the end of the day, three staff members got slimed by the students who had raised the most money.
The lucky teachers were drawn out of a hat and there was plenty of excitement at the chance to slime the principal.
A fantastic effort and a brilliant time was had by all.