Wednesday, 18 September 2024
VIEW celebrates birthday
1 min read

In July the Phillip Island VIEW Club held its monthly meeting to celebrate its 29th birthday.

The theme was "Op Shop Glam" at the Phillip Island Bowling Club with a two-course meal.

"Our warm thanks to the Bowling Club for allowing us to use their facilities," said a club spokesperson.

"We were fortunate to have our Zone Councillor Wendy Walker in attendance. VIEW Club members from Inverloch, joined with our members with a total of 60 ladies enjoying many fun activities, door prizes and raffles during the day."

It was a special day for club member Judy Swift who received the VIEW "Making a Difference Award" from Zone Councillor Wendy Walker. With the support of two friends Judy is known as one of the "Founding Mothers" of the club.

Phillip Island VIEW Club was established in 1995 and for over 29 years Judy served as a passionate and enthusiastic member taking on varying roles.

"Judy's contribution was inspiring, and her continuing motivation has been outstanding by building very strong friendships and connections."

Entertainment on the day was provided by Melbourne-born composer, musician, arranger Nathan Glenn. Nathan has won numerous awards for his performances and compositions and his works have been performed by orchestras and symphonic bands in Australia and internationally.

VIEW members across the country support the education of disadvantaged Australian children by raising much needed funds for The Smith Family. Through fundraising activities and social events locally, Phillip Island members raise money that goes directly to the Learning for Live program.

Currently the Phillip Island VIEW Club sponsor six children. Learning for Life sponsorship assists families in need to afford a child's education essentials such as uniforms, shoes and stationery.

Currently there are 1700 children sponsored with VIEW nationally.

For further information on VIEW, please contact President Chris on 0406 469 824.