Saturday, 1 February 2025
Step in time
1 min read

Every Monday night a small and keen group of dancers get together at the Cowes Senior Citizens Club hall to dance the night away.

For the past 10 years, the evening has been led by Jean-Pierre Pinero and his wife Raymonde. 

It was a special occasion on July 27 when this happy couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

Cowes is a long way from their homeland in France, where they first met and fell in love.

They had to mark time until Jean-Pierre undertook his compulsory military training, and Raymonde had turned 21 years.

Three years later they emigrated and arrived in Melbourne in May 1970, along with their young son Frederic. Another son Roger was born two years later.

Their love of ballroom dancing developed during the next 30 years, beginning in Box Hill.

Such was their prowess on the dancefloor, Jean-Pierre and Raymonde soon participated in many ballroom competitions across Melbourne.

Dancing led them to the island, moving to Cape Woolamai in 2007, when they took part in many local dance nights. 

Their association with Cowes began at the Senior Citizens Club, where they eventually took over the management of the Monday evening dance sessions. 

The couple have been at the helm ever since, over the past 10 years. 

They can be seen tripping the light fantastic from 7.30pm to 10.30 pm, teaching others the intricacies of nu vogue and old-time dance steps, open to everyone to come along. 

Details: $5 per evening, Jean-Pierre on 0433 114 373