Monday, 3 February 2025
Probus goes back to school
1 min read

On Wednesday, April 6, 14 excited members of the San Remo Probus Club gathered at Newhaven College to take a tour of the College.

The tour was organised by fellow Probus member, John Ward, a former Deputy Principal and teacher at the College.

On arrival the tour was met and welcomed by the Principal of the College, Tony Corr, and then what was to be a two hour tour got under way beginning at the College's massive gymnasium complex.

Then it was off to the Junior school followed in succession by the middle school, the trade centre, home economics complex, the senior school and then off to the Year 9 centre at the top of the property.

The Probus members could not believe the facilities they saw and things like "how wonderful" and "aren't the children so lucky" were uttered throughout the group.

The school minibus was used to transport those who found walking around the huge campus more difficult than others. It was a wonderful day and an eye opener for all those who participated, and John has been asked to lead another tour for those who for a variety of reason could not attend and those who now wish that they did after talking to others.