Phillip Island Bicycle Users Group’s recent donation will help the L2P program purchase a new vehicle. From left: Don Turner, Trevor Hayes, Melanie Mumford, Ken Barnes and Chris Phillips. Don, Trevor, Ken and Chris are all L2P mentor drivers and also members of PIBUG.
Bass Coast TAC L2P program was recently the recipient of a generous donation from the Phillip Island Bicycle User Group.
The donation will be used towards the eventual purchase of a new car for the Bass Coast TAC L2P program. The TAC L2P program matches young learner drivers who do not have access to a supervising driver or suitable vehicle with a volunteer driving mentor who can provide supervised driving practice.
The program also provides learners and mentors with access to a suitable vehicle to use in their sessions together. High demand for the program has resulted in the need for an additional vehicle.
"The Phillip Island Bicycle User Group is committed to looking after our members, and to road safety in general,” L2P mentor and PIBUG President Don Turner said.
“When we heard about other community groups contributing financially towards a new TAC L2P car, we decided that this is a worthwhile project for us to get behind. Since four of our regular riders are
Mentors with the program, it makes sense for us to contribute.”
Anyone wishing to join the L2P program either as a learner driver or volunteer mentor can contact Melanie on 0467 590 679 or basscoastl2p@wonthaggineighbourhoodcentre.com.