Saturday, 22 March 2025
Inner Wheel conference concludes
1 min read

Last week, Phillip Island hosted the annual Inner Wheel Conference in Cowes.

The 300 members of Inner Weel Australia who travelled from every state, arrived to beautiful weather and a warm welcome.

The four-day conference started with a dinner and visit to the penguins.

Other activities included the official opening where Cr David Rooks welcomed everyone to the island, a business session and three fun themed dinners. Members also had the opportunity to visit many local attractions.

Local entertainment, including The Times, Rock House and Esta Christensen were appreciated and enjoyed by all in attendance during the three themed dinners: Beach Party, Floral Fantasia and Rock and Roll.

A performance from the local Sisters and Misters Choir welcomed the members.

Guest speakers included Mat Bowtell from Free 3D Hands, Irene Bennetts of Sisters and Misters, Helen Comport talking about Quilts of valour and Ben the Bandit, a motivational speaker who spoke on life without arms.

Cord Blood Research is Inner Wheel s National Project and three grants were presented to three scientists Dr Sara Chiaretti, Dr Ying Wong and Dr Alla Dolnikov who received $65,000 each.

A presentation was given on what these grants will be used for.

Over $3 million has been given since 2000 and great strides have been made and many lives impacted by the success of this research enabled by Inner Wheel grants.

The conference raffle was a great success and raised $3295 which was donated to local charity Free 3D Hands.