Monday, 8 July 2024
Change over for Rotary
2 min read

The Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo celebrated their annual Change Over Dinner last month, marking a year of community service and welcoming new leadership. The event, held at the

Foreshore Bar and Restaurant in Rhyll, was a blend of camaraderie, reflection, and forward-looking enthusiasm.

The evening began with a welcome address by the outgoing President, Rob Robertson, who highlighted the club's accomplishments over the past year. He commended the club's dedication to initiatives such as the Rotary Rehabilitation Garden at the new Cowes Hospital, support for the Change For Sam organisation, transformative clean water projects in Timor-Leste, collaboration with St John's Church for Community Meals, and various projects for local schools, all underscoring the positive impact made by the club.

"As a club, we are fortunate to have our Op Shop in Cowes, with the revenue raised underpinning much of our ability to support our local community, contribute to national relief efforts, and deliver our support to international projects," Rob said. 

He went on to thank the many volunteers who work tirelessly in the Rotary Op Shop and singled out Diane Thomas, who manages the shop, for special praise.

The incoming District Governor, Colin Byron said, "I am amazed at the amount and range of activities undertaken by the club and at the dedication and commitment of its members".

Exceptional contributions

The event also included the presentation of awards recognising exceptional contributions from members. Judy Lawrence and Peter Buitenhaus received the Paul Harris Fellow award for their tireless efforts on behalf of the club and the local community. Keith Gregory was presented with an Honorary Membership for his outstanding contributions to Rotary over many years.

A significant moment was the induction of the new president, Gea Lovell, a respected member known for her innovative community engagement strategies. Gea shared her vision for the upcoming year, which is to expand youth programs, enhance environmental sustainability projects and local community projects.

Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner showcasing local produce and were entertained by live music from Tom Green, a professional vocalist from Bass Coast. Tom, an outstanding and versatile singer, guitarist, and pianist, captivated the audience with his ability to perform across genres from classical to pop.

The Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo extends its heartfelt gratitude to the management and staff of the Foreshore Bar and Restaurant in Rhyll for their support in hosting this event.

The Change Over Dinner holds significant importance for the Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo, underscoring its dedication to service and leadership. This event embodies Rotary's motto, "Service Above Self," inspiring members and guests with a renewed sense of community spirit and purpose. As they look forward to another year of service under Gea Lovell's leadership, they remain committed to the mission of creating lasting change both locally and globally.