Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale and fire captain Lino Drazzi (far right) did the honours on Saturday morning, officially unveiling the commemorative plaque marking the opening of the new fire station on Phillip Island. Assisting were Phillip Island CFA life members from left Ray Champion, Roy Johnston, Sue Waterton, and June Murdoch.

Members of the Phillip Island CFA and colleagues pose proudly for the cameras on the historic occasion of the opening of a new $2.6 million fire station facility.

The Murdoch family boast three generations of island firefighters, and a fire truck named in honour of Artie Murdoch who served in the CFA for 75 years and passed away earlier this year. His wife June, also a CFA life member with her son Andrew (right) and grandson Kyle during Saturday’s celebration.

Phillip Island CFA volunteer firefighters from left Angie Connor, Kyle Wood and 16-year-old Georgia Anderson celebrate the opening of a state-of-the-art new fire station in Cowes.

Celebrating with their island colleagues are from left Helen Lowry – CFA District Business Manager, Andy Oldroyd – CFA Regional Project Co-Ordinator and his son Clancy, and CFA Deputy Chief Officer Trevor Owen.

CFA Group Officer Damien O’Connor with Bass Coast Mayor Cr Clare Le Serve.

Family members of Geoff Burrell and Rod Patton, two highly esteemed CFA volunteers who are no longer with us, were invited to celebrate the opening of the new fire station both Geoff and Rod had worked toward. From left: Greg and Lyn Patton, Gordon and Jenni Burrell, and Noel and Deb Burrell. A truck named after Geoff Burrell was parked outside the station.

Celebrating on Saturday are back from left (standing) Greg Price a CFA sponsor, and Ray Champion a 46 year CFA volunteer; with (seated) local CFA members Murray Johnson and Stephen O’Brien.

The opening of the new fire station on Saturday was a proud moment for this trio. From left Rod Beale, former Phillip Island CFA fire captain still serving after 55 years; Gary Grace, former Phillip Island fire captain and 25-year CFA volunteer; and Roy Johnston, CFA life member serving for 23 years.

It was day of reminiscing on Saturday looking back over the decades of service given to the island community by so many CFA volunteers. Current fire captain Lino Drazzi (left) and former lieutenant Rod Barford recalled the day in 2014, when along with Gary Grace they saved the life of an unconscious man trapped in the back bedroom of his burning home. For their heroic efforts, at the time the three were awarded The CFA Commendation for Courage medal.
Saturday’s official opening of the new $2.6 million Phillip Island Fire Station was a momentous occasion, with district and regional CFA colleagues joining the local brigade’s members, to celebrate the special and historic occasion.
Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale, representing the Victorian Minister for Emergency Services officiated, formally opening the new station and unveiling a plaque alongside the island’s fire captain Lino Drazzi.
The usual ribbon cutting ceremony was replaced by the symbolic uncoupling of a fire hose by CFA life members June Murdoch, Ray Champion and Sue Waterton.
And in keeping with CFA tradition, when a brigade moves out of a station to a new one, the bell on the CFA’s vintage truck rang loudly, in acknowledgement and memory of the members who have gone before.
During official proceedings, Ms Crugnale congratulated the brigade’s “hard working and super dedicated volunteers” and thanked them for their advocacy and determination toward achieving a new building.
“It is such an honour to be part of the official opening and celebration of this new fire station.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank the leadership team, former Captain Gary Grace and members, for their fierce advocacy and determination, their remarkable fundraising efforts to make this a reality, and our generous local community who have walked beside them in support.
“You work incredibly hard to continue to keep your community safe,” she commented.
Fire captain Lino Drazzi said the opening signified the brigade’s ongoing commitment to the safety of the community, and thanked Ms Crugnale, the CFA District, local businesses and the broader community for their ongoing sponsorship and support.
He commended and thanked former captain Garry Grace for the countless hours he put in toward the new station project, and described the new building as a testament to what a community can achieve with a common purpose.
The Phillip Island CFA, which was formed 86 years ago this week, is made up of 57 volunteer members, and has responded to 166 call outs so far this year.
New members are always welcome, with full training provided.