Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Western Port Ward candidate: Rochelle Halstead
2 min read

Balance is key

Local Government is a big beast with highly regulated practices enforced by State Government legislation. It takes time to understand plans, policies and strategies that drive outcomes. I am grateful for the support of Western Port Ward residents who allowed me to serve as their representative from 2020. My experience as a former councillor and mayor made my election to Bass Coast Shire less daunting and I was delighted to have been elected as Deputy Mayor in 2022 serving two years in this role to 2024.

My first term has been spent advocating for the San Remo Township Structure Plan, the Neighbourhood Character Study, Housing Strategy, Partnership Policy and Crown Land Policy, all of which have now been adopted by council. As Chair of the Mountain Bike/BMX/PUMP Reference Group I worked with committed community members which has provided a strategy that will help to progress these facilities in Bass Coast. As Chair of the community Arts Committee, I have enjoyed seeing first-hand the creative talent of artists in Bass Coast and I am committed to encouraging community, to not only involve themselves but to appreciate the great benefits the arts bring.

As a graduate from the Australian Institute of Company Directors my governance experience is strengthened and has provided me with the confidence to actively address anomalies in our governance policies that will result in better outcomes for our community.

As Western Port Ward holds significant agricultural land in Bass Coast, I am grateful for growing up with farms in my family - both dairy and beef, and for my involvement in the Bass Coast Rural Engagement Group which has helped guide me in representing our farmers.

Our waterline doesn't ask for much, just the basics and I will continue to push for their needs!

As a small business owner, I support local businesses and our tourism industry which are not only critical to our economy but incredibly valued by community.

I hope the newly elected council return to core responsibilities of local government, investing in current infrastructure, addressing the shortage of sport and recreation facilities, amending the current restrictive governance policies and reporting mechanisms to allow for greater transparency and returning a sense of civic pride.

Advocacy to both state and federal governments is key to seeking outcomes on the ground as local government cripples under rate capping and cost shifting. There is no way council can deliver on its own the necessary projects and environmental protection measures across the shire that Bass Coast requires, so advocacy will be critical.

Continued commitment to considering environmental impacts with every decision and balancing our investment in this area with other pressing needs for our community is vital for community health and wellbeing.

It has been a privilege and an honour to have the opportunity to meet so many community members doing their bit, and I ask for the support of Western Port residents to continue as there is so much more to do.

Find out more about me at @rochellehalsteadforwesternport